Campo Verde News
Updates on all things CV related

Fall Festival Reimaged (again)
PAINT UPDATE: (February 1st, 2020)
Dear neighbors:
Thank you to one and all for not only helping to keep our neighborhood beautiful but to maintain our property values.
The second violation letters for paint non-compliance have been sent out. The fines escalate quickly. Those receiving letters must comply with the application process and complete painting within 90 days to avoid substantial fines.
After nearly two years, the initial phase of the homeowner repainting process are nearing completion. If you have received a violation notice, please read the terms of the letter and comply as soon as possible to avoid further fines.
In order to save time and frustration, please read the information below prior to submitting for paint scheme approval. If after reading these materials you have further questions, please contact our community manager using the information listed below.
Thanks for your continued efforts to beautify our community and maintain our home values.
The CV HOA Board of Directors.
Many Campo Verde residents have been notified of the need to repaint the exterior of their homes. Thirteen years of brutal Arizona sun has taken its toll and it is time to begin anew. Even if you have not been notified, please know that it is the intent of the Board of Directors to see every home in our community re-painted within the next twenty-four months. Nearly two dozen homes have already completed the process and the results are truly transformational. While no one wants to go through the hassle and expenses of a re-paint, maintaining the aesthetic beauty of our community is crucial to maintaining home values.
To assist you in making this process as easy and efficient as possible, we are providing the information listed below for your review. Please read through all of the materials and documents prior to submitting your paint request. If after reading all of the information you still have questions, please feel free to contact Bill Ingeneri of Premeir Management at (480) 704-2900.
Listed below are the key issues to be aware of throughout this process.
All residents must apply to the architectural committee prior to beginning the painting process.
Homes re-painting the same/current color scheme still must submit for review.
All residents must adhere to the new approved color schemes.
You cannot choose a scheme that is identical to an adjacent neighbor on one directly across the street.
Schemes are approved on a first come, first served basis.
All painting must be done by November 1st.
Computer screens can alter the appearance of paint, it is recommended that you order samples prior to making a decision.
The exact paint schemes can be purchased at Dunn Edwards or an affiliated retailer (Home Depot).
The HOA is not providing any recommendations for painters, but your neighbors will... Just ask!
All submissions need to be accompanied by a picture of the homeowner's actual home clearly labeled with how the homeowner would like to paint the various elements of their home.
Campo Verde is overseen by a group of elected homeowners that have been elected to the Board of Directors. The current officers are as follows:
Scott Lang, President
Ron Wojcicki, Vice-President
Dimal Patel, Treasurer
Patrick Kec, Secretary
Eric Watkins, Member at Large
The board meets bi-monthly on the last Monday at the offices of Premier Community Management. Community members are encouraged to attend the open session and can ask to address the board on any number of issues. People wanting to speak with the board can call in advance to schedule an appointment or just come come to one of our meetings.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding actions taken by the board, please feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings. For all other questions please contact our management organization who will forward on all communiques to the board members. If you would like to have something posted on the site, please send it to
Our community is professionally managed by Premier Community Management. Our community manager is Ms. Kari Moyer. Her contact info is as follows:
Premier Community Management
Erica McManus, Community Manager
We have plenty of materials available to help you with virtually anything you need as it relates to the Campo Verde HOA including:
Please fill out the following information to join our email list. We promise to respect your privacy and only email you when we have something important to share. You will need to fill this form our for each person you want to receive our email updates.
To email the webmaster, please fill out the form below: